6 June 2012

June Project - Again

Well June is back and I decided to do another picture a day project. My reason for choosing this month is because there are alot of things happening and so I should have alot to photograph, if I manage to go out and get it. Another reason is pressure, June is the busiest time in the fashion industry and the very core of every moment at work screams SALE TIME, so I am doing it to test how well I deal with photography whilst the rest of my life is swirly whirl wind of busy-ness.

Rather than post one here every single day, or post the whole lot in one go. I thought I would do them in 6 groups of 5 as I go along. So here is the first lot!

Day 1: 2-4-1 cocktails at a local bar meant I needed to snap something before things got to blurry for me to start my project at all. I love this image and chose it because of the bokeh and the colours. I like the brassy tones of the background and how it matches the foreground.

Photo 2: My amazing partner has the 105mm prime macro lens. This lens literally gives me shivers of pure pleasure and delight. Ridiculously sharp, quick and basically orgasmic! Again, my amazing partner bought me the perfect gift of an SB700 flash gun for Christmas. With these two super tools, I managed to freeze and capture drips from the kitchen tap. I did photograph a few splashes and such but I loved this series of images more, which i stitched together using photoshop CS5

Photo 3: This one is pretty straight forward. The beginning of the Queen's diamond Jubilee was marked by a thousand boats down the river Themes. We tried pretty hard to get to the river side to see the celebrations and the Queen herself but failed miserably due to the walls and walls of people. This is all I came away with:

Photo 4: Golden pyramids  - London style. I chose this one because I love the shard in the background and the shape play between it and the foreground. I filtered it slightly in Lightroom to bring out the golden highlights that were already there due to the sunset

Photo 5: The Prime Meridian. A dull rainy Tuesday bank holiday rife with cabin fever, I decided to march out into the rain and claim my picture for the day - just around the corner.

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