26 August 2011


So, you want me to do a photoshoot of you? Sure, I want to do a photoshoot of you! I have the camera, the lights and the software. But, I don't have the space.

So what do I do? I either come to you, provided you have a white wall, because I don't have a backdrop. Or, you come to me where I have a white wall but no space to move the furniture away from it or I hire a studio like this: http://www.rentmystudio.co.uk/studio.php?view=16

This is the different outcomes of those three options:

Here, I lugged my lights to the living room of the client:

Here the client came to me:

And lastly, this is in a studio:

And although, I have moved from the place where the clients came to me, I feel these are the weakest images. Time to revamp!!

I have a few photoshoots coming up and stuck for space. It's too cold to take the models outdoors and some of the themes simply will not work anywhere but in the studio. I am determined to have all these photoshoots nailed and uploaded before the end of September. Watch this space!

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