12 August 2014

Salt & Pepa

This weekend I had the pleasure of cheering on and photographing the London Roller Girl's recreational league's bout - PUSH IT REAL GOOD, where team White (Salt) and team black (Pepa) went into battle.
Now as my history of photography revolves around pretty florals, portraits and weddings, my kit is tailored to wide prime lenses around the 28mm to 50mm mark, rather than quick low light lenses that are quick to fire and quick to focus. Shooting in Low light is never a strong point for my Nikon D300s either so Low light and fast moving subjects was certainly a challenge.
I do of course have a flash gun which I was experimenting with swiveling around and failing miserably to bounce off the far away walls and high ceiling, just as I managed to get it to expose how i'd like...dead went my batteries - rookie mistake!
So with what I had this is what I got! I used the blur for motion, the noise for grittyness, played with my signature DoF tricks and went for documentation as apposed to sharp sporty shots. I could do better and I will next time!

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