1 November 2011

Beautiful space, negative space.

Negative space, used in art, is generally to enhance shape and interest. Most artists use the negative space as the 'real' subject by creating an interesting shape to draw in the eye, tell a story and even represent a company with a clever logo.

After a slight moan at myself for not yet developing a style, I looked through some of my images and it's become clear to be that I actually do have one. KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid. My best images are simple, clean and often with a massive emphasis on negative space.

From portraiture:

To Still life Photography:

To Nature Photography:

It's a fairly 'simple' technique to nail. Pick your subject and main point of focus, move it from the middle of the frame. Line it up with a decently boring background and snap!
Rather than the clever trick of making the nothingness, the something. I use the negative space to pop my subject. They make for striking images yes, but boring ones...?

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