2 June 2011

1st June - Sarah's sunlight

1st June - Sarah's sunlight
Originally uploaded by kirif1

Sunlight, sunshine...Ambient light.

So it's June. And hey what better reason to take a picture a day for 30 days than the beginning of 'summer' (sorry UK peeps, can't help it) any reason is a good reason! My focus this month will be light, I think i have alot to learn in this area and lets face it, light is the definition of photography.

Ambient light, basically defined is available light, no matter the source. But sunlight is my personal favourite. It's natural, it's warm and it's everywhere. Who needs a flash gun eh? my batteries are flat anyway. I am hoping to reflect my love of the sun in summery June in my new project and challenge.

Lets see how many clean sunny pictures i can take before i go all dark and noisy again!

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